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prof. dr. Roma Jusienė

Professor of Psychology at Vilnius University, Faculty of Philosophy, Institute of Psychology; clinical psychologist and psychodynamic psychotherapist. Head of Counselling and Training Center at Vilnius University, Faculty of Philosophy. Her main research interests are: early development of self-regulation; developmental psychopathology; health psychology; family psychology. She is a leader of the project "School-aged children's Internet use in relation to socioemotional development and parenting practices in Latvia, Lithuania and Taiwan: a longitudinal study". 

doc. dr. Ilona Laurinaitytė

Associate Professor of Psychology at Vilnius University and group psychotherapist. She teaches postgraduate courses in psychological assessment and counseling, undertakes research and supervises psychologists. Her particular research interests are centered on the understanding of nature, causes, and management of violence as well as on mental health related issues in different settings. She is also collaborating with governmental and non-governmental organizations on the topics of treatment and programs for social reintegration of offenders as well as prevention of child sexual abuse. As a researcher, she participated in several international and national research projects. Since 2013, she is a national representative at the Board of Ethics in European Federation of Psychologists' Associations (EFPA). Currently she is Visiting Associate Professor at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health in Baltimore (USA). Senior researcher in the project.


doc. dr. Vilmantė Pakalniškienė

Associate Professor of Psychology at Vilnius University, Director of Institute of Psychology, Faculty of Philosophy, Vilnius University. Main research interests are: Internet psychology, cyberbullying, child and adolescent psychology, animal assisted therapy. Senior researcher in the project.


​Edita Babkovskienė

Master degree student in Educational and Child Psychology, at Vilnius University, Faculty of Philosophy, Institute of Psychology. Recently she is working on master degree thesis analyzing the screen time, self-regulation and parenting in preschoolers. She is a research assistant in the project.


Laura Vitkė

Master degree in Educational and Child Psychology, graduated from Vilnius University, Faculty of Philosophy, Institute of Psychology. Recently she is school psychologist. Main research interests: school readiness, developmental psychology, parenting. She is a research assistant in the project.

We thank psychology students of Vilnius University for their contribution to the research.


Latvian team


prof. dr. Sandra Sebre

Professor of Psychology at University of Latvia, Faculty of Education, Psychology and Art; psychologist and psychotherapist. Chair of the Psychology Doctoral Dissertation Committee. Her main research interests include internet psychology, developmental psychopathology, narrative identity and cross-cultural psychology. Leader of Latvia team in project "School-aged children's Internet use in relation to socioemotional development and parenting practices in Latvia, Lithuania and Taiwan: a longitudinal study". 

asoc. prof. dr. Anika Miltuze

Associate Professor of Psychology at University of Latvia, Faculty of Education, Psychology and Art, and director of the Psychology Bachelor degree program at the Department of Psychology, University of Latvia. Her main research interests include internet psychology, parent-child relationships, and specifically attachment theory. Senior researcher in the project.


asoc. prof. dr. Baiba Martinsone

Associate Professor of Psychology at University of Latvia, Faculty of Education, Psychology and Art; practitioner in clinical, educational and counselling psychology. Her research interests include evaluation of the effectiveness of different social and emotional learning interventions in educational settings, as well as the promotion of mental health. She actively participates in several international research projects on social and emotional learning and school climate.  Senior researcher in the project.

Inese Elsiņa

Psychology doctoral student at the University of Latvia, with master’s degree in psychology and communication science, psychologist and training to be a cognitive-behavioral therapist. Her research interests include child and adolescent mental health, social and emotional competency. Research assistant in the project.


Veronika Vedenejeva

Master’s degree in psychology from the University of Latvia. Her research interests include internet psychology, mental health and parent-child relationships, especially father’s role in parenting. Research assistant in the project.


Taiwan team

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asoc. prof. dr. Jennifer Chun-Li Wu

Associate Professor in Early Childhood and Family Education at National Taipei University of Education. She has interdisciplinary training in psychology and public health. Her research interests focus on social determinants of developmental health. Leader of Taiwan team in this project.

prof. Tung-liang Chiang

Professor of Health Policy and former Dean of the College of Public Health, National Taiwan University. He is one of three pioneer architects of Taiwan’s National Health Insurance, which was inaugurated in 1995. His research has focused on social determinants of health and health care reforms. Since 2003 he has served as the principal investigator of the Taiwan Birth Cohort Study, following up a nationally representative sample of more than 20,000 babies born in 2005. Senior researcher in the project.

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dr. Ming-Yu Wang

Senior child and adolescent psychiatrist; Chief of Department of Psychiatry, China Medical University Hsin-Chu Hospital; Board of sleep medicine and addiction medicine. Expert of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, Tourette’s Syndrome, autistic spectrum disorder, adolescent depression and school refusal. Her clinical interest is youth psychosomatic medicine. Long term collaboration with special education, school counselling and early intervention. Senior researcher in the project.

dr. Yi-Fan Li

Assistant Research Fellow of National Research Institute of Chinese Medicine, Ministry of Health and Welfare. Her research has focused on children’s health (e.g. physical growth, obesity) and health care services utilization based on the perspective of social inequalities, with an expertise in quantitative methods. Senior researcher in the project.

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Rou-Hsuan Chen

Master’s student in Early Childhood and Family Education at National Taipei University and under a training program of preschool teachers. She has a research interest in professional development for preschool teachers. Research assistant in the project. 

Wei Ting Kuo

Master’s student in Early Childhood and Family Education at National Taipei University and under a training program of preschool teachers. She is working on her thesis regarding fatherhood involvement in the Taiwanese context. Research assistant in the project.

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