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About the Research 

Due to the change in the educational process caused by COVID-19 pandemic and having moved it from the immediate medium to a distant one, the roles, interactions, engagements, as well as the environment, content and nature of the individuals involved in the education process, i.e., children, parents and teachers, has inevitably changed as well. It is an unparalleled experience that provides the researchers in the fields of education, psychology, social work, sociology and medicine with an opportunity to comprehensively analyse the educational challenges to the educational process itself and its participants and examine the threats and opportunities posed to physical and mental health, safety and learning success of pre-school and children in grades 1–8 (children’s age 7 to 14 years old). The research conducted is important in identifying threats and anticipating solutions and opportunities for the future application and development of distance education.

This project was funded by Research Council of Lithuania, year 2020 agreement no. S-COV-20-11).

We thank all the participants of the project. Your participation is very important for creating the evidence-based knowledge.

Participants of the project research are more than 1000 Lithuanian families with school-aged children (grades 1 to 8; age 7 to 14 years old), and teachers of the primary and secondary school. 

Participants of the project research are more than 1000 Lithuanian families with school-aged children (grades 1 to 8; age 7 to 14 years old), and teachers of the primary and secondary school. 

Address of Institute

Institute of Psychology, Vilnius University, Universiteto street 9/1, Vilnius LT-01513

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